Leopards, Elephants, and Tigers… Oh My – Part 1

I am starting this entry off with a proper shout out and thank you to Larry. A few months before the start of our journey, Larry sent me the PDF of a school project about tigers who lived with monks.

This is where I will start.

We wake up really early to drive 3 hours to the Tiger Temple (in case you want to go, we recommend to book our guide "Tik", who was excellent).

We are almost there, but we stop at the bridge over the river Kwai. While driving past, I spot a leopard. A baby leopard on a leash. We immediately head over to see the baby with the stunning spotted coat. There is a stand in front of a restaurant with 2 hacks who will let you hold, feed, and photograph yourself with the leopard. It costs 100 Bath (3 USD). Feeding time for the leopard is over. He isn’t hungry and large cats do not over-eat. He is spectacular. Have I mentioned his stunning, spotted coat?

Gorgeous Coat

Gorgeous Coat

I hold him first. He is a bit rangy, but I am quick. They give him a stuffed animal whose eyes he has already ripped out to calm him. I put him down and let Marc have a turn.

Playing With His Toy

Playing With His Toy

Watch Out!

Watch Out!

He Needs To Chew On Something

He Needs To Chew On Something

Marc takes a seat on the platform where the leopard is leashed and he starts circling–despite his short chain. The leopard walks over to Marc, who is smiling for the camera, and takes a huge bite out of his thigh. His brand new pants (literally bought less than 16 hours before) are ripped and he is bleeding. Marc being Marc, laughs, and holds him anyhow for the camera. We get unbelievable pictures because the leopard doesn’t have the stuffed animal in his mouth. Marc then holds him like a baby. Next thing I know, the leopard turns and gets him–a bite on the side of Marc’s jaw. Marc hands the leopard back and the hacks rush to treat him with a half full bottle of antiseptic (this has obviously happened before). I didn’t realize that he was bleeding as much as he was. I sort of missed the 2nd bite–however it is caught on video. The first bite was pretty bad and developed into a huge bruise as well as a scar. I thought the leopard only snapped at him the 2nd time–as he did me, but had no idea that the leopard got him already before.

Ouch! The First Bite

Ouch! The First Bite

What a Beauty

What a Beauty

Brand New Shorts

Brand New Shorts

We both can’t believe that Marc has a story to trump my rice paddy story, but he does. Talk about bragging rights. He got bit by a leopard–twice!

We walk over to the river Kwai bridge, which is nearby. Marc is still bleeding. We take some photos and add to our list of movies that we need to see on our return–Bridge On the River Kwai. We walk across the bridge and make our way to the other side of the river. On our way back we hop onto the platforms as the tracks are still live and a train is coming.

Bridge Over River Kwai

Bridge Over River Kwai

Approaching Train

Approaching Train



5 responses to “Leopards, Elephants, and Tigers… Oh My – Part 1”

  1. Kitty and The Germ » Blog Archive » Update says:

    […] highly recommend to read the four part series about our Best Day […]

  2. Jenny F-O says:

    What an adorable baby tiger…I probably would have been mauled as I tried to snuggle him…how could such a cutie be dangerous! Poor Marc…what a good sport! Great pic of Kitty avoiding being mauled…good reflexes! Love these pics!

  3. Katie Wenaas says:

    You guys sure have great stories to tell! I shouldn’t have laughed reading about the leopard mauling Marc, but I love how you guys seemed to stay so calm through it. You must have a way w/ all cats Catherine because you knew how to handle him like a pro.
    I’m enjoying all the pics & the stories, too. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Elaine Tausendfreund says:

    Hi Catherine & Marc- Amanda gave me your blog & I laughed out loud (Sorry Marc)- what a gorgeous baby LEOPARD & Marc handled himself in typical Stoic (german ) fashion. Great storyteling- can’t wait to read the rest of your trip of a lifetime. Stay happy & safe. Love elaine

  5. Elke Nicholls says:

    we hope you are feeling better Marc; sorry, I couldn’t laugh about your bites. Hope your tetanus shots were up-to-date. Love von Tante Elke

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